



「Hey, partner,」Fusco拖著沉重臃腫的身軀,費力的以單膝著地,讓一束鮮花從滿是紗布的手滾下,「抱歉這麼晚來看你,你知道我們失去一位好警探。」


『Are you cry, Lionel.』








"Why hanged up the phone, miss someone?"

"He need to learn how to cut his word. And, Shaw, keeps eye on your target."

"I didn’t move, Reese, unlike you."

"Gentleman and lady, if you can stop blaming each on the air, I believe it’s good for your situation."

Silence for a while.

"Hey, guys, guess what I found. “

“The target died?”

“A bald eagle, Reese.."

"It's a good sign, Ms. Shaw…...Bald eagle represent USA. Freedom, strong, elegant, protect. People respect..."

"Finch, history lesson is overed."











For Joss Carter, the first character I like in Person of Interest.

20:23 24th Dec. 2014 Tomatobear



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